Monday, February 8, 2010

Have you ever....

Have you ever felt the emptiness?
The sting of suppressed tears, 
clouding your vision, 
making the world swim before your eyes?
An ache of loneliness and longing...
and you don't quite know the source?
A restlessness that comes from nowhere?
Near panic, but at what?
Have you ever felt the break coming...
powerless to make it stop,
praying that you can find 
a place away from prying eyes
to fall apart?
Have you ever been so close to the edge
that you feel vertigo's pull?
Tried to balance and back away
before the fall?
Wished desperately for someone,
to hold you
and help you
hold it together?
And wept to find yourself alone?
Have you ever?

....yeah, well, neither have I.

1 comment:

  1. it's in those moments when we feel like we are falling apart that God puts us back together, but we are better than before. He finds those little pieces of us that have been jarred and shook out of place and He fits them back together, and when He does, they fit more perfectly than they ever did.



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