Monday, August 3, 2009

But maybe I over think things....

I have to roll things around in my mind...
Like a snowball in reverse
melting away the extraneous
the extra layers on the outside
to get to what's on the inside,
at the center of things.

I have to peel back the layers of wrapping
pull off the ribbons and
discard the packaging
get to the plain truth
of what's inside the box
at the heart of things.

I find it takes some time
to discover what I really feel
to find the core
the central truth
the source.

I don't always know what I think
caught in torrents of feeling and impulse
and I don't want to proceed
until I'm sure of my course.

my mind is a busy place to be
with all the analytical activites
but always,
it's good to get to the root cause.

1 comment:

  1. yes, U are to much thinking...
    just do it and see what happen,,
    no sorry if we try first,,,^_^



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