Saturday, August 8, 2009

before and after times

This is something I worked on today and wasn't sure if I was ready to post. But after I ran it past Alise n got a little feedback, I decided what the hell...

Now, baby, you know I'm into you.
And there's not a thing wrong with it
when intimacy and physical are in union.
In other words, Love, the sex is that shit...


yes, there's a but...

That's not what I crave.
It ain't sex that makes me sleepless
for days and days,
causes me to be distracted,
althought I am attracted
to your package
and your performance don't ever make me mad...

What really makes me hold on
steal one last embrace before you go on
your way, and about your day,
is the before and after time.

It's in the way you look at me with knowing,
and your intentions show in
your eyes.

The touches as we pass in the kitchen,
and in "Baby can you scratch my back?"
When "we" is more than you and I.

And it resides in the warmth of the bed when,
bodies touching and spent,
you stroke my face and arms,
shoulders and back and thighs,
hands visiting the soft places
in the small of my back
and the nape of my neck.

Quiet voices, bedroom voices in flickering light.
Small talk, and "I love you"
and the tv reflecting in your eyes...
and your eyes on me.
"Can't I just look at you, baby?"

And you do.
Until sleep takes us both into the night.

It's this,
the before and after time.
No, don't get me wrong, man.
Your sex... is more than just alright.
But the lovemaking!
That happens in the before and after time.


  1. oh yeah! you express in this amazing poem
    exactly how I feel when a relationship is
    oreo-cookie-good: delicious on the outside,
    the obvious sex-of-the-chain, but the
    real deal the lovemaking that takes place
    before, and in-between, the little loving
    touches IS what really makes one fall in love,
    and think about the lover all the time.

    amymay you did a great job writing this poem,
    she has a rhythm like a song I can't get out
    of my mind.

    more please.

  2. Wooooowwww! Feedback like that is like crack to a dopefiend for a poet....

    thanks for the encouragement and the motivation!



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