Thursday, April 16, 2009

a little too much

did i give myself a little too soon
and of myself a little too much?
if i did, it's too late now.
no do overs, no givesies-takesies, no reneging now.

it's a done deal.
you inhabit my heart and live in my mind,
like a parasite or a symbiant

and the more i love, the more you thrive
and the more i die a little inside
when the return on investment is overbalanced to your benefit
when the give is one sided and the take is all you

it's what it is, and what i am
and who you are, and what we've become

This is really raw....mostly just emotional vomit...sorry folks for the poor composure. I'm just tired, stressed and in a strange relationship space. Thoughts?

peace n blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Been there, done that. Your reflections are perfectly stated.



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