Sunday, February 7, 2010

Work in progress....

Ok, so normally I don't post unless I have a finished piece.... but I'm feeling somekinda way.  And I wrote this on the fly... seriously, my poet friends/poetically inclined friends, leave a comment... help me pull the rest of this out of my gut so my stomach will stop aching.... Peace and Love!

I feel a pressure to be unshakable
an expectation to be unmoved
an assumption that I am indestructible 
a theory as yet unproved 

Inside I feel the weakening
I hear the wind blow through the cracks
there is creaking throughout my structure
I'd fall apart if I relaxed.

Like a false front on a building
I try not to show the wear
But my soul is silently shrieking
and collapse is what I fear.


  1. when all else fails just stand. no one should expect you to be indestructible or invincible. strength is found in those moments when you realize, I'M STILL STANDING. even though everything around me is falling apart and i feel like i could break any moment, i'm still standing. you are a strong, beautiful woman. i look up to you so much. again, sometimes it takes us falling apart, being stripped down until only our souls remain for us to realize our strength. and always remember, you don't stand alone.

  2. I relate completely to your two last stanzas. There are days/times when I think I could let myself fall down and just refuse to go on, but as sdrake says above, I just stay standing, yet do hold in reserve that nagging possibility that I could let go ---the cracks could give way to collapse---. You have beautifully expressed your feelings.



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